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Ranked #1 Lower Middle Market Investment Bank by AXIAL

Who Said It Can’t Be Sold?

October 6, 2022

A business owner came to us pre-pandemic because he wanted to expand his brand and knew he needed more resources to do just that. He also wanted to leave a legacy and have the business endure well beyond his lifetime. On the surface, the company can be described as a private label clothing manufacturer that enjoyed over 20 years of gradual growth. The company did have significant concentration to one customer; however, we felt the owner had realistic value expectations and we were confident that our broad global marketing approach would find the right buyer.

Thinking outside of the box is part of Woodbridge’s culture. We worked with the business owner and refreshed our marketing material to emphasize their R & D efforts to develop a patented textile technology. With a unique patented product and increased demand for comfortable clothing suited to work-from-home attire, we went to market and brought in eight strong bids before selecting the ultimate buyer. The buyer saw an opportunity to leverage their existing relationships with box-stores to grow the brand. And for this reason, they paid a value that exceeded our client’s expectations.

When a motivated seller is operating a company with a bright future, our marketing approach delivers more options for our clients. Is it time for you to explore a sale while the market is strong?