Celebrating Our First 30 Years
World Class Mergers & Acquisitions Since 1993

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Only companies with annual revenues of $5 Million to $150 Million+, please. Call Don Krier, Sr. Managing Director/Partner 800.567.1119 or complete the form below. Also receive a free copy of 30 Years of Lessons Learned: Selling Middle-Market Businesses.

Unlocking Your Business’s True Value: Choosing Between a Business Broker and a Sell-Side M&A Firm

When the time comes to sell your business, the decision on who will guide you through this crucial process can significantly impact the outcome. Enter the age-old debate: business broker vs. Sell-Side M&A firm. What distinguishes them, and which one is the right fit for you? Let’s break it down with some frequently asked questions.

What size business is handled by a business broker vs a Sell-Side M&A firm?

  • Business brokers typically handle businesses with revenues under $5 million, while Woodbridge International specializes in those over $5 million.

How do the resources available to clients differ between business brokers and Sell-Side M&A firms?

  • Business brokers are often solo players, limited in resources.
  • Woodbridge brings a dedicated team to the table, including closers, financial analysts, marketing and a research team.

In terms of marketing strategies, what fundamental differences exist between business brokers and Sell-Side M&A firms?

  • Business Brokers sell with a listing price; Woodbridge runs a confidential auction having buyers submit bids, creating competitive tension without setting a ceiling.

What differs in the targeted outreach to buyers between business brokers and Sell-Side M&A firms?

  • Business brokers cast a wide net on platforms like BizBuySell.com, while Woodbridge leverages their proprietary network that quickly identifies the greatest number of buyers.

What are the typical types of buyers facilitated by business brokers compared to those handled by Sell-Side M&A firms?

  • Business brokers typically bring in individual buyers, while Woodbridge generally brings in Institutional Buyers like Private Equity Groups and Public and Private Strategic buyers, leading to better valuations and deal structures.


  • Choosing between a business broker and a Sell-Side M&A firm depends on your business’s size, complexity, and goals.
  • Business brokers suit smaller ventures, while Woodbridge International offers comprehensive, specialized service for larger enterprises.
  • Make an informed decision to unlock the true value of your business.

Talk to an Expert and FREE E-Book Download

Only companies with annual revenues of $5 Million to $150 Million+, please. Call Don Krier, Sr. Managing Director/Partner 800.567.1119 or complete the form below. Also receive a free copy of 30 Years of Lessons Learned: Selling Middle-Market Businesses.