Ranked #1 Lower Middle Market Investment Bank by AXIAL
Since 1993, our only agenda is our client's success. Our only goal is the relentless pursuit of positively impacting the destiny of the clients we serve.
In August 2024, Woodbridge announced its acquisition by Mariner Wealth Advisors, a national financial services firm. This partnership marks a pivotal moment for both organizations.
in 2024, we are seeing a sizable uptick in buyer interest -- $2.5 trillion in capital to buy well performing companies
Woodbridge begins a relationship with one of the largest wealth management firms in the world
In the last 3 years we closed 82 deals generating approximately $1.6 billion dollars in liquidity
Emailed our 10th book to 250,000 business owners – 30 Years of Lessons Learned Selling Middle-Market Businesses
Woodbridge held a Conference in Cape Town South Africa celebrating 30 years in business
The 4th quarter 2023 was record setting for Woodbridge International. Up 200%, closing 12 deals, a record high in 30 years
Mailed our 9th book “32 Businesses Sold in 2022” to 257,000 business owners
Robert Koenig CEO, was selected as one of the 25 Movers & Shakers in the New Haven Business Journal
20 deals closed in 8 months vs 16 in 2021
6th book (Selling Your Passion) & 7th book in our series (The Real Secret to Selling Your Business) each mailed to 220K business owners in the U.S. & Canada
Jacob Koenig & Simon Wibberley promoted to Partners
66 clients brought to market for the first 8 months
32 Businesses Sold in 2022 Generating $619 Million in Liquidity for our Clients
27 deals closed in 2021 – the most ever (14 done by Private Equity & 13 by strategic buyers)
68 New Clients obtained in 2021 – the most ever
83 clients brought to market through 2021
5th book in our series (The Biggest Pitch of Your Life), mailed to 220k business owners in the U.S. & Canada
Management Meeting Training Workshops operated 100% remote via zoom
Woodbridge International stayed 100% virtual
Pandemic gives Woodbridge the opportunity to go 100% virtual
Virtual Management Meetings are taking place for the first time
Woodbridge brings 55 clients to market through August 2020
Management Meetings are better as a result of being virtual
Closed first deal for World Archives where the buyer and seller never physically met
Woodbridge mailed the 4th book in our series - "The Biggest Pitch of Your Life" to 120k business owners
8 Woodbridge Closers received their Series 79 licenses
Kyle Richard promoted to Managing Partner
Simon Wibberley promoted to Managing Director: Cape Town Office
Closed 19 Deals - most in 26 years
(18 deals closed in the last 8 months - never done before)
Published 2 books: Finish Big With No Regrets” & Timing is Everything” - mailed both to 120k companies in U.S. & Canada
Brought on a new Partner -
Kyle Richard, Head of Negotiation & Closing
52 U.S & Canadian clients - most ever brought 60 deals to market and re-market
2nd full year of Global Financial Services Company referral program with 8 new clients
Marketing Associates made 20,000+ calls yielding 680+ bids
Woodbridge's most profitable year since opening in 1993
Ambassador program yielded 150 qualified leads, Woodbridge now has six full-time Ambassadors
Woodbridge International Celebrates 25 years in business
Published “How to Sell Your Mid-Size Business” - mailed to over 80,000 business owners in U.S.& Canada
150 Day-Timeline Driven Auction Established
Averaged 15 bids per deal & averaged 150 books (offering memorandums) out per deal
Established 2-day management meeting training where clients learn best practices selling their business
2018 was a record year for new engagements
Produced 5-minute Kick-off Video making meetings more efficient & 8-minute Pitch video clearly articulating the Woodbridge Story
Expanded CapeTown Office to 17 people
Highest number of offers received on a deal: 45 offers to acquire Service Nation
Kyle Richard, forensic accountant hired to run underwriting
Highest number of books out on a deal: 300 for TCM
Record-breaking year for revenue and profitability
Cape Town office Opened
15 deals closed - manufacturing, distribution, services and software.
First deals closings in Germany, Poland, and Australia.
New offices opened in Los Angeles and Argentina.
Marni K Connelly Promoted to Managing Director/Partner Research & Marketing
Held Conference for Closers and invited the whole company domestically and internationally.
Woodbridge expands its global Joint Venture offering by working on a mandate involving companies in Japan and Poland.
Opens new offices in Frankfurt, Germany.
Throughout 2014 Woodbridge continues to accelerate its growth globally with plans to enter new markets.
Woodbridge closes 2014 by signing on a record 39 new clients.
Woodbridge continues to expand its international footprint — opening new offices in Shanghai and Shenzhen, Tokyo, Bogota, and Pune, India.
Closes second sell-side deal in Brazil and signs up first India – based client.
The firm expands its research, back office personnel and systems to support future growth.
Woodbridge Group changes name to Woodbridge International.
Woodbridge closes first cross-border deal exceeding $100 million.
Closes second JV / cross-border deal with Japanese client Yamada.
Woodbridge moves to new worldwide headquarters.
Closes cross-border deal – a Joint Venture between Japan and Mexico.
The firm rebounds from the great recession with 9 deal closings.
Woodbridge opens first office in Sao Paulo.
Opens three new offices in Dallas, Chicago, and Monterey, Mexico.
Woodbridge for the first time generates 30 first round bids for a client.
Woodbridge closes its first deal in Mainland China.
Continues expansion by opening offices in Boston and New York City.
The firm adds seasoned dealmakers to expand capacity to service clients domestically and internationally.
Two Chinese mainland based companies engage the firm, beginning an ongoing reach into Asia.
Becomes a member of a large institutional financial advisory firm’s referral network.
Ernie Bower, an accomplished investment banker, joins as Woodbridge’s first affiliate. Ernie passed away in May 2017.
Continues expansion with the launching of the firm’s European office in the Netherlands.
Forms a wholly owned subsidiary, WG Securities LLC, a registered broker dealer.
Woodbridge switches from Buy-Side to Sell-Side to better serve clients.
Larry Reinharz joins as Managing Director / Partner.
Don Krier promoted to Managing Director / Partner.
Identified and refined 135 step process for bringing clients to market
Woodbridge pioneers the use of video to market client companies.
Embarks on an accelerated growth plan to become a nationally recognized firm.
Woodbridge offers Free Value Assessments for business owners on its website.
Woodbridge expands marketing reach by using Pay Per Click.
Woodbridge launches their first web site.
Woodbridge pivots from buy-side to sell-side to better serve clients.
First firm in the industry featuring clients doing testimonial videos.
Conceived and executed on casting a wide net to increase the odds of getting a deal done.
Founded by Robert M. Koenig, Woodbridge Group opens its doors to provide buyers a unique and dedicated search using online data.
Donald Krier joins as Vice-President.
Three buy-side deals closed in the first year of operation.