Why choose Woodbridge International to Sell Your Business?
At Woodbridge International, we've redefined the art of selling mid-size businesses. Here's why our process is unlike any other:
150 Day Timeline: Our 150 Day Timeline-Driven Auction establishes the Closing Date upfront (After launch: 21-day Bid Acceptance Period).
Global Buyer Network: Our proprietary network of 6,600 private equity groups and 450,000+ strategic companies quickly identifies the greatest number of buyers.
More Bids Per Deal: We average 20 bids per closed deal, enabling the business owner to choose the highest price and the best fit.
Innovative Marketing: We create a powerful Marketing Video to showcase your company to potential buyers.
Management Meeting Training: Our 2-day Management Meeting Workshops provides business owners with valuable insights into what buyers are looking for to pitch their business with confidence.
More Buyers, More Bids, Higher Price, Better Fit