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Woodbridge Offers M&A Services to U.S. Buyers Seeking European Acquisitions

July 20, 2007

New Haven, Connecticut – July 20, 2007 – Woodbridge, LLC., an innovative middle-market mergers and acquisitions firm, is pleased to announce the expansion of its buy-side practice to the European market. Woodbridge will now offer its advisory services to U.S.-based buyers seeking middle-market acquisitions in Europe via its Netherlands-based European operation, Woodbridge Europe.

Since its inception, Woodbridge has successfully closed dozens of buy-side transactions between U.S. parties and is now able to extend its reach on behalf of U.S. buyers to Europe. The firm currently markets many of U.S.-based sell-side clients in Europe, as well in the U.S.

Buy-side clients seeking profitable investment opportunities in middle-market European acquisitions can now benefit from the firm’s ability to deliver proprietary deal flow – and a negotiated transaction that avoids the risks of a competitive auction. Experienced Woodbridge screeners then filter out less-than-desirable companies and present buyers with a list of attractive acquisition targets – who have expressed an interest to sell to that particular buyer.

“We help buyers clarify their search criteria and then launch a comprehensive multi-channel marketing campaign in targeted European countries. This is the best way to identify qualified acquisition candidates that are not on the market, giving our clients multiple deal options and an exclusive introduction to potential sellers,” said Dirk-Jan Vorgers, senior vice president, Woodbridge Europe.

Woodbridge, LLC., a unique, marketing-driven M&A firm, was founded in 1993 to provide divestiture and acquisition services to middle market companies.